Country Pines Quilt Shop
The Country Pines Story

In 2008 I received a phone call from someone who said, “I hear that you have some fabric out there, can I come over?” Of course I said “Yes”, and ten years later she is still coming over! She shows up and within 30 minutes the place is full of shoppers! By 2010 we threw the cars and garage contents outside and enclosed the building. We thought we were really sailing with about 800 square feet! It was cute and fun and there was something in front of everything.
By 2015 my family approached me and said “Mom, we think you need a bigger store!” I laughed and said, “Yeah, right, that’s not happening!” They said they were serious and they wanted to do it.
Since we live in the Sierra Nevada mountain region of rural Northern California, we had the space to do it. So my son, son-in-law, and their contractor friend, undertook the project and one year later in March of 2016 the doors to a 1,600 square foot store opened! I am humbled and grateful that this happened and for the response from community and country.
My sister Nancy lives with me now and we each have wonderful families and lots of grand children. Our quilting heritage spans multiple generations, and we are still working on several unfinished quilts that belonged to our grandmother.
My sister is an amazing teacher and artist with an uncanny eye for color and design. She struggles daily with the debilitation of MS but she keeps on going and inspires others to learn to quilt.
This is an unsettled time in our world. Creating a sense of heritage and connection through quilting provides both purpose and direction. It is amazing how making quilts, teaching others to make quilts, and most importantly sharing those quilts with family, friends, and community, nurtures and draws families and community together. So we quilt!
Thanks again for stopping by Country Pines Quilt Shop, home of top quality fabric and kits. We have friendly and helpful staff, lots of parking space, and cold water for you in the refrigerator. We are here to help you create community and heritage one stitch at a time! Stay a while, browse and let us know if we can be of service.
-Laura, Nancy & Families